Honeytone's style can be described as a tasty blend of garage rock, early punk and Riot grrrl, with a bit of classic country on the side. Their debut...
A solo vocal and rhythm electric guitar lead off this gorgeous down tempo throwback ballad with country overtones. Featuring a powerful vocal performance, 60’s style vintage bass tones, a solid yet groovy drum track and an exquisite vintage hollow-body guitar solo feature halfway through to bring it all home in style!
A grungey, groovy mid-temo rocker with tons of attitude! Featuring strong vocals and melodies, vintage sounding guitar tones, pulsing bass and a super poundy driving drum performance. A decidedly power pop chorus with big harmonies deliver the rock and roll goods!
A serious ‘pedal to the metal’ power-pop grunge guitar onslaught leads off this exciting straight ahead rocker about a lying ex! Driving bass lines, a penetrating wall of rhythm guitars and a super solid drum performance set the perfect stage for a scorching lead guitar solo rounding it all out!
A garagey, grungey little rocker that sounds a little like Blondie, The Runaways and the Ramones all rolled into one! Grungey guitars, driving bass, powerful drumming and a strong vocal melody make this live performance a real pleasure to listen to!